A Houston DWI Lawyer Shares Driving Safety Tips For Back To School

At the end of summer, millions of children will return to their classrooms. The Texas Department of Transportation is reminding all drivers to be cautious and aware of all the school zones as activity around schools begin to increase. Last year, there were more than 660 vehicle accidents in school zones in the state of Texas. No deaths occurred; however, there were 21 serious injuries. In the months of August and September in 2014, there were more than 105 vehicle crashes in school zones. The most common reasons for vehicle crashes in these areas were due to failure to yield the right of way at a stop sign, failure to control speed and driver inattention.

Driving Near Schools

The speed limit around schools can be different, so it is vital that you pay attention to speed limit signs in the area and the times that these speed limit signs are in effect. For example, a speed limit sign may say that a lower speed limit is enforced during school days and school hours. However, it is also important to know that if the information is not included on the sign, that the decreased speed limit is enforced even when school is not in session. Knowing the laws concerning speed limits and school zones is vital to avoid a ticket and more important to ensure that the children who attend the school remain safe.

Driving While Intoxicated

At the beginning of the school year, there are many parties that are attended. Remember driving while you are drunk is not only illegal but it is also dangerous. Furthermore, drinking under the age of 21 is illegal. Even if you follow all traffic laws, it is important to remember that not everyone follows the rules. This is why it is important that your drive carefully. You should also try to stay off the roads during the weekends, late at night and in the early mornings. If you have children who are in high school or in college, you should discuss the dangers associated with driving while they are intoxicated. Make sure to reach out to a Houston DWI Lawyer for help if you are seeking legal representation.

Remain Alert

The areas around schools are filled with excess traffic, kids walking around, cars stopping and stopping, dropping off passengers and students on bikes. With all of this activity, driving can become tricky and dangerous. The peak times for this activity is between 7:00 am and 8:00 am and 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm. During these times, make sure that you remain alert and follow the speed limit signs in the area. Most schools have a school zone speed limit to help ensure students remain safe around schools.

School Bus and Carpooling

Buses and carpooling can help decrease the amount of traffic in school zones and the surrounding areas. Carpooling decreases traffic congestion and offers a great energy efficient alternative. Furthermore, it helps keep the roads safer. Students and parents can help by picking up other students that live near them. Another option is to ride the school bus. This option is great when the student cannot drive and the parent cannot take them to school. School buses provide a way to transport a large number of students without congesting the area.

Take Your Time

Mornings are so crazy when trying to get children to school and parents to work. You can help lower your stress level and give yourself extra time to safely get yourself and your children to work and school. Prepare your lunch, pack your bag and choose your clothing to speed up your morning routine. Setting your alarm a little early can help you prevent from rushing. Being late can cause drivers to drive aggressively. Although being late is common, it can cause traffic violations. Even if you are running late, make sure that you drive cautiously and carefully.

Stay Off Your Cell Phone

It can feel impossible to stay off your phone when you are trying to locate and pick up your child from school. However, most schools have cell phone zones that allow you to stop and call your child to find where they are. This allows you to locate your child before entering the pickup zone. If your school does not have a cell phone zone, plan a time and a place to meet with your child to keep you off the phone while driving.

Visit A Houston DWI Lawyer

The Butler Law Firm is available to speak with you about your DWI issues all you have to do is contact a Houston DWI Lawyer right now. If you are interested in reading more related content be sure to check out our blog. We are here to assist you and your legal matter, call us today at (713) 236-8744.