Our Guide To Your DUI Driver’s License Suspension

Understanding A Houston DUI Driver’s License Suspension

A DUI charge can lead to a number of penalties. One of the most dreaded charges is the suspension of your driver’s license. When your license is suspended, you cannot drive your car any longer and this might affect your employment as well. While some judges might allow you to have a temporary license so that you can go to your office, not all judges will let you have this ability. There are several reasons behind getting your license suspended, and the major ones are speeding and DUI. Once the law suspends your license and you cannot drive for a specified period, you are also required to pay a reinstatement fee for its activation.

What Happens After The Arrest?

The officer will confiscate your license at the time of the arrest. This license will be returned to you after the period of suspension. You will need to pay a re-issuance fee to the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles). Once your suspension time is up and you have paid the fee, only then can you get your license back.

Your license suspension and DUI arrest depend on the laws in your state. While some states are relaxed and can let you go free in the first instance, other states have more strict rules and might suspend your license for the first offense. In addition, some states decide the suspension of your license based on your behavior during the arrest. For example, if you refuse to take the Breathalyzer test, they will suspend your license. It’s best to take a Breathalyzer test, as the judge might let you go with a warning.

Getting Your License Back

You still might be able to drive during the license suspension. For that, you need to petition the court and ask them to grant an occupational driver’s license to you. Under this license, you will be able to drive to your office to maintain your employment. For example, if your office timing is from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, the court will allow you to drive around these times so that you can go to the office regularly.

You can request a temporary license under other circumstances. For example, if you need to take your kids to school or provide medical care to a disabled family member, you can petition the court. For this, you need to pay a fee and request a hearing. At the hearing, you can state your case and ask the court to grant you a temporary license until the suspension period is over.

License Suspension and Arrest

If the license is related to a DUI arrest only and not a conviction, you can lodge an administrative appeal. For this, you will need an expert DUI lawyer. When you get the notice of license suspension, you should read it carefully. It generally comes with details on how to appeal the suspension. You can file an administrative appeal in your jurisdiction. By doing this, you want the court to find out about the officer that took the license and arrested you has the right authority to do so. In addition, if they are authorized, do they have sufficient evidence that you were driving under influence?

Many courses of action exist that you can take if your license is suspended. To understand your options, you should contact a good Houston DUI attorney who can help you out.

Call Butler Law Firm today for your free consultation.