DWI Attorney Houston: Safety Tips For Road Trips With Kids

Houston DWI Attorney: Staying Safe On A Roadtrip With Kids

Taking road trips with your family can be quite a bit of fun, and don’t think that just because you are traveling as a parent you cannot enjoy the trip to its full potential. Exploring the road with your little ones can be much more rewarding than going along alone. However, when you travel with your family you will want to be sure that you are careful since your children are in the vehicle. Kids tend to be full of energy and excitement which means that it may take more effort on your part to be sure that everyone is safe. In this article, we will discuss tips on how you can do just that.

1. Be Sure to Check Seatbelts

It’s no secret that seatbelts are essential to safe riding in a vehicle. This is true even if there is no one around to issue you a ticket. While making sure seatbelts are buckled during a trip is the law, it’s necessary for everyone’s safety and could even spare your life. Make sure you have your seatbelt buckled when the car is in motion and show your little ones what they need to do by your example. When it comes to your kids, you should always check that they are buckled properly before you begin to drive. If the straps are twisted be sure to straighten them out and see that everything is in order before you begin your trip. Also, be sure to explain to your kids just why wearing a seatbelt is important so that they understand that they should not squirm or remove the seatbelt while the car is moving. Many accidents are caused by drunk drivers and by wearing a seatbelt you are more protected than without one. Houston DWI attorneys are available if you are needing representation for a DWI in Texas.

2. Keep Children in the Back Seat

While it may be tempting to allow your little ones to sit up front with you during the trip, experts tell us that it is safer for kids under the age of 10 to sit in the back seat. This is because the front portion of a vehicle was designed to seat adults. Letting your kids sit in the front could lead to injury. So allow them to sit in the back seat where they will be able to travel with you safely. Depending on where you live, there may be laws that dictate whether or not a child should be in a car seat. Houston DWI attorneys want you to understand that your safety should be your #1 priority.

3. Do Not Leave Kids Unattended in the Vehicle

Tragically, many little kids have lost their lives due to being left in a closed vehicle. Cars can become hot very quickly, and this can be deadly for small children. If you plan to exit your vehicle, even for a moment, be sure to bring your kids with you. Even just a few short minutes alone in the car can be risky.

4. Keep the Car Doors Locked

While you are driving you will not be able to control what your kids do. So be sure that before the car is on the road the doors are locked throughout the vehicle. Once everyone has taken their seat enable your child lock. This will allow you to let your kids out of the car once it is safe to do so.

5. Make Sure Your Car is Tidy

If there are any loose items within the car be sure to tidy them up. Heavy items should be stored behind the back seat. Anything that is loose may fly around during your trip which could cause injury. Butler Law Firm emphasizes the importance of keeping your car clean because kids can injure themselves while you are driving and potentially cause an even bigger accident.

6. Keep Body Parts Inside the Car

If you find it necessary to open the windows of the car make sure that your kids understand that they should remain inside the car. Sticking a hand or any other body part outside could lead to them getting hurt. Un

7. Bringing Pets Along for the Ride

Are you planning to travel with your children and pets? Make sure you have a harness with you and secure the animal with a seatbelt. A harness can help your kids and pets to resist injury. You obviously don’t want your pets moving around as you drive so be sure to avoid the possibility of this.

8. When Nausea Arises

If you are taking a long drive, your children or yourself may suffer from nausea. Becoming carsick is especially common in children who are quite young. If your little ones are feeling ill ask them to resist looking at a book, tablet screen, or anything else that can disorientate them. If you are worried about motion sickness you may want to look into a medication that is approved by your physician.

9. Empty Booster Seats

Even if a car seat is not in use you will want to have it buckled. It could hurt someone or distract your driving if it becomes loose and moves about the vehicle.

10. Speak With Your Children

The trip will be much more enjoyable for all if you engage in conversation with your kids. It can even help with nausea. Discuss everything you are seeing with your little ones and ask them how they feel during the trip. Even talk with them about the sights they will shortly be seeing. This can help pass the time quickly and aid in everyone’s good time.

In conclusion, these tips will help you to enjoy your trip with your kids and aid everyone in staying as safe as possible. For related content check our Houston DWI attorney blog. If you have any questions make sure to contact us by calling (713) 236-8744.