A DWI Lawyer In Houston Talks About 6 Ways You Can Be A Good Passenger While Traveling In A Car

DWI Houston Lawyer: How To Be A Great Passenger When Traveling By Car

When it comes to safety on the road, most of the attention is focused on the driver. In fact, however, the person riding in the front seat next to the driver also plays a key role in staying safe on the road. Below are some helpful tips on how to be a great passenger so that you get to your destination without running into any problems along the way.

1. Don’t Mess With The Heater Or Air Conditioner

When it comes to how warm or cool the car is, the decision should rest with the driver. Avoid the temptation to mess with the air conditioner or heater while the vehicle is in motion. This can create a major distraction that draws the driver’s attention away from the road. A better option is to plan ahead. If you tend to get too chilly when the air conditioner is running, pack a lightweight sweater along with you. Alternatively, if you tend to get hot easily, make sure that you dress appropriately, wearing clothes that allow your skin to breathe. You can also take advantage of the vent controls, closing any vents on your side of the vehicle that is causing you to be uncomfortable.

2. Listen To Whatever Music The Driver Prefers

One long-standing rule of the road is that the driver gets to choose the music. Even if you hate whatever music the driver has chosen, you shouldn’t change the station. If the music is too loud or if you can’t hear it, you can ask if you can adjust the volume. Be sure to do it yourself rather than having them do it so that they can keep their focus on the road. Just remember – you will eventually get to your destination. In the meantime, try to keep an open mind and appreciate the music even if it doesn’t fit your personal tastes. Make sure that the music is not so loud because this can be very distracting to the driver. If you find yourself needing legal representation, contact a DWI Houston lawyer at the Butler Law Firm.

3. Try Not To Fall Asleep

Even though you aren’t driving, you should still try to stay awake during your trip. Part of your job as a passenger is to talk to the driver and keep them engaged. This is especially essential after dark when the driver may be more likely to fall asleep behind the wheel. When you are awake, you can assist with tasks like changing the music, watching for road signs, or keeping an eye out for wildlife lurking on the side of the road. Try drinking coffee or some other type of caffeine-laden drink to give yourself a boost if you find that you get sleepy when you are in a vehicle.

4. Share The Armrest

Typically, the driver’s seat and the passenger’s seat are separated by an armrest. Avoid elbowing your way in and taking over the armrest. Instead, allow the driver to use it if they need it. The same goes for the cup holders in the center console. Make sure that you don’t use more than one of the cup holders for your beverage. Otherwise, the driver won’t have anywhere to put their drink of choice. Speaking of drinking, never allow someone to drive a vehicle when they are intoxicated. Even if they have had as little as one or two drinks, it still may be enough to leave them legally impaired. The last thing that you want is to have to contact a DWI Houston lawyer for help. If you have a DWI case or think you do, make sure to reach out immediately.

5. Provide Directions If Necessary

When you are passing through unfamiliar territory, it is easy to get lost – particularly if your GPS device isn’t working correctly. As the passenger, you should be ready and able to provide directions if needed. Familiarize yourself with the route ahead of time. Additionally, keep your cell phone charged so that you can use it to look up directions if you need to.

6. Prevent Driver From Getting A DWI

Do not get in a car, truck, or any vehicle with anybody who you think may be intoxicated or under the influence even if it is just a tad bit. Driving drunk is the reason so many innocent people die each year in vehicle accidents. Be responsible and take a ride from Lyft or an Uber to prevent yourself or anybody else from getting hurt or even taking part in fatal accidents. Safety is always the priority for every passenger in the car.

For more information on ways, you can prevent getting a ticket, check out our DWI Houston lawyer blog. You can also contact the Butler Law firm by calling us today if you are in need of legal advice for your case, or representation.