A Houston Attorney Lists Ways You Can Avoid Getting DUI Charges

Avoid DUI Charges This Summer With These Tips

As spring turns into summer, the days become longer and warmer. For many people, that means getting together with friends for barbecues, parties, and other events. Oftentimes, these get-togethers include alcoholic beverages. Relaxing with a cool drink on a warm summer day is a natural part of celebrating the summer. Unfortunately, if you aren’t careful, it could wind up leading to a DUI. It doesn’t take a lot of alcohol to push your blood alcohol content over the legal limit.

If you get caught driving your vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, you could be charged with a DUI. This can negatively impact your life in a number of different ways. Not only can you find yourself facing hefty fines but you may also wind up losing your license, being put on probation, being forced to take alcohol classes, or possibly even going to jail.

The number of alcohol-related accidents tends to rise during the summer. That is why it is so important to take extra precautions during this time of the year. Always take steps to avoid driving after drinking. A little bit of planning can allow you to have a great time at all of your summertime parties without having to worry about getting charged with a DUI.

Tips To Avoid Houston DUI Charges:

  • Have A Plan To Prevent You From Getting Pulled Over For A DUI

Planning how you are going to get home after a party or event is the best way to avoid drinking and driving. Don’t wait until you already have had a few drinks before you start thinking about how to get home. Instead, come up with a plan ahead of time. Whether you stay at a friend’s house, get a hotel room, or take a taxi to get home, having a solid plan is essential.

  • Have A Designated Driver To Avoid DUI Charges

Before the party begins, consider making someone a designated driver. In essence, that means that the driver will abstain from drinking alcohol all night, helping to ensure that they are completely sober when it comes time to go home. The designated driver should be willing to avoid drinking any alcohol throughout the entire event.

  • Opt-In For A Taxi Service So You Will Not Get Stopped For DUI

One of the safest ways to get home after a party or event that involves alcohol is by taking a taxi. Find out what taxi companies service your local area. Make sure that you have their phone number with you so that you can call a cab when the party is winding down.

  • Look Into Using Uber Or Lyft Services To Help You Get Home Safe

Companies like Lyft and Uber make it easy to get a ride wherever you need to go. All that you need to do is install the app on your phone. Then, when it is time to leave the party, you can request a ride so that you can get back to your house safely without having to worry about getting a DUI. This will save you money that you would otherwise spend on a Houston DUI attorney.

  • Avoid Drinking If You Are Going To Be Driving

The final option is to avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages while you are at the party. Keep in mind, it takes far less alcohol than you might think to put your blood alcohol content over the legal limit. Even though you might feel fine to drive, you could be legally impaired.

Don’t chance to get behind the wheel if you have had anything to drink. It is always best to err on the side of caution rather than facing the serious repercussions that go along with a DUI. The last thing you want is to have to call a Houston DUI attorney to get you out of trouble after you are arrested.

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