How To Avoid The Houston DUI Defense Mistakes Pt 2

5 Biggest DUI Defense Mistakes In Houston

Part 2

Mistake # 3 – Not Following Legal Advice

There simply is no sense in paying for legal representation if you are not going to follow the advice your lawyer gives you. They have reasons for advising to take certain actions and avoid others. For instance, if your lawyer advises you to go for alcohol education and treatment, then you should do so even if you feel you don’t need it. Following this advice can change the outcome of your case.

Your lawyer will also give you advice to prepare you for your court appearance. This may include dressing appropriately, making sure that you are on time, conducting yourself in a respectful manner, and not discussing your case with anyone but your lawyer. An attorney may also request that you provide them with photographic evidence and contact details for potential witnesses that saw the arrest and can provide information about your behavior at the time.

Mistake # 4 – Providing Inaccurate Information

Not being entirely honest and providing your lawyer with the most accurate information puts the lawyer at a disadvantage. Never think that anything you tell your lawyer could possibly harm your case. The truth will probably come out at some point and if your lawyer is forewarned they can also be forearmed. They will be ready to deal with anything the prosecution throws their way. Whereas if you hide the facts, they will be blindsided and not have an appropriate response or defense for you.

You need to provide your lawyer with as much information as you possibly can. Tell them all the events leading up to the arrest as well as noting road conditions, weather, lighting, other environmental factors as well as the roadside sobriety tests that were conducted. The more facts you give your lawyer, the better they will be able to defend you. You need to trust your lawyer.

Mistake # 5 – Not Asking Questions

While it is important to put your total trust in your lawyer, it is just as important to ask questions. If anything about the charges or your case is unclear, you should feel free to ask questions. Your lawyer should take the time to explain everything, keep you updated on your case and make sure that you are prepared for trial. In addition, your lawyer should take the time to explain the worst-case scenario and all the negative consequences that may arise from pleading guilty, pleading not guilty, and what sentence you can expect as a consequence.

If you don’t ask questions, your lawyer may simply assume that you understand everything and will not see the need to explain anything further. Asking questions will also provide your lawyer with the opportunity to design a defense that is tailor-made to suit the unique factors of your case. Good communication between you and your attorney can mean the difference between a successful defense and no defense at all.

Give Jim a call today and let him give you a free consultation so that you can get the help that you need. You can contact Jim for your free consultation! Click here for the first article in this series.