DWI Law – Think You’re Safe Drinking And Skateboarding?

The Dangers Of Driving Vehicles While Intoxicated – All Of Them (Bikes, Scooters, And Even Wheelchairs)

The good thing is that more Texas folks are getting the idea about drink driving. According to research, it shows that now people are more aware of the dangers of driving while under the influence. Some of the credit goes to ride-sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft, who have made going home easier for people who have drunk a few too many. This helps save both the driver and pedestrians on Texas roads.

Nevertheless, there is still a big number of people in Texas who are not getting the message and are still driving under while under the influence. According to a statistic taken back in 2016 showed that 987 Texans lost their lives due to drunk driving, and there were 17,434 DWI-related accidents. San Antonio was the leading city in Texas with the most number of 1,845. Over the last few years, the number of DWI related crashes have been dropping significantly.

Trying To Avoid DWI by Riding A Scooter Does This Technique Work?

Texas is full of creative people and this is a fact. Many of them are trying to look for creative alternatives to avoid getting DWI. For example, a number of people ride scooters with the aim of getting out of getting DWI for driving a truck or car. This has been made possible due to the fact that scooter renting and sharing in the city is readily available.

However, the million-dollar question is, it is possible to legally drive a rented bicycle or electric scooter while under the influence? Well, even though each city is setting its own rules regarding riding bikes and scooters; the simple answer is NO. in Texas, it does not matter what you are driving; as long as you are intoxicated and driving, expect to get a DWI, or something related.

It can be tempting to grab that Lime rental scooter sitting outside and drive while under the influence of alcohol. However, you should resist that temptation. It is important to note that even though there are few laws differentiating what constitutes to a motor vehicle in Texas, but there is of “motor-assisted scooter” in the law. Scooters are self-propelled and considered as motor-assisted scooters. They contain the following devices:

  • At least Two wheels touching the ground
  • A gasoline or electric motor (often does not exceed 40 cc)
  • A deck for the driver to either stand or sit while riding
  • Working brake system
  • The option for human-powered operation

Therefore, if your scooter contains one or more of the above options, then you should not drive it while under the influence. And just because the law has not mentioned scooters and other small vehicles, it is still possible to be charged for driving under the influence, and even have your license suspended. There are other factors that may make the problem bigger. For example, if you choose to drive without wearing a helmet, and in some cities, a reflector jacket could count to another offense. At the same time, driving on the sidewalk thinking that it would keep you from trouble, think again, because it is another violation. In some Texas cities, being drunk in public may be another violation.

Can You Get A DWI In A Wheelchair?

What many people do not know is that driving any vehicle on the public road while under the influence can cost you. This also includes things like a bicycle, a lawnmower, and even a wheelchair (this is not a joke). There are many cases nationwide that shows a person on a wheelchair being stopped by police, to check if they are driving them while under the influence.

For example, a 44-year-old man in Ohio was charged with OVI (operating a vehicle while under the influence), after he was seen by police swerving in his wheelchair while going home. Also, another 55-year-old man in Ohio got his seventh DWI after he was stopped by police while driving a stolen motorized wheelchair. His blood alcohol content was found to be three times the legal limit. Also, a Pennsylvanian wheelchair-bound woman was found guilty of DWI after she was found riding around a trailer park at 4 in the morning.

Just like many states in America, Texas is no different. This is because they have a broad definition of driving while under the influence. This simply means that you can still get a DWI as long as you are the one in control of any vehicle no matter the form of power (either motorized or manual). This means that you should not drive as long as you are in control of virtually any vehicle, because it can lead to a DWI charge.

Therefore, if you are thinking of driving a scooter or wheelchair while you have drunk one too many, then you should think twice and consider making arrangements to have someone else take you home. If this option is not available to you, then you should consider getting a room from a local hotel. Keep yourself and others safe while on the road and do not operate any vehicle while under the influence.

Visit our blog for more related articles. We also invite you to contact or call us today if you are in need of the best DWI Law Attorney in Houston.