Butler Law Firm Attorney: Can I Get A DWI For Drinking And Driving A Motorcycle In Houston?

Butler Attorney: DWI Laws For Motorcycle Drivers In Houston

Texas DWI Laws Regarding Motorcycles

When you hear about DWI incidents in the state of Texas, they usually center around people who are driving cars. Sometimes, the people who are pulled over and arrested are even celebrities. In most cases, the only information that makes its way into the news is the subject’s blood-alcohol level and whether or not they were released on bond. It is a lot less common to hear about DWIs occurring that involve motorcycles. That is not to say, however, that they won’t ever happen.

DWI Laws & Motorcycles

Motorcycles are governed by the exact same laws as other vehicles on the road when it comes to DWI in the state of Texas. The lower number of incidents involving motorcycles most likely has to do with the fact that there are a lot more cars on the road in Texas than there are motorcycles. It is also possible that people driving cars are more likely to take risks since they don’t feel as vulnerable as people who are riding motorcycles. If you are in need of help with your DWI case, reach out to Jim Butler.

What Constitutes Driving While Intoxicated In The State of Texas?

The laws in Texas prohibit people who are driving vehicles from being intoxicated. The specific details of the law can be found in section 49.01 of the Texas Penal Code. In this section, there are also details about what constitutes being intoxicated. This includes having an elevated blood alcohol content (BAC) that exceeds .08 or being mentally or physically impaired as a result of consuming alcohol. The code uses the term ‘motor vehicle’, which can describe any vehicle on the road. This includes motorcycles. The whole point of the law is to keep people who are intoxicated from getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. The problem is difficult to control in Texas, simply because there is a relatively large population and there are countless roads that need to be patrolled.

DWIs Don’t Just Involve Cars Or Motorcycles

The laws in Texas prohibit the operation of any type of motorized vehicle while under the influence of alcohol including boats, airplanes, amusement rides, and any other type of motorized vehicle. As a general rule of thumb, any type of vehicle that can be operated in a space where there are other people present is illegal to drive while intoxicated. While the type of vehicle doesn’t necessarily matter when it comes to DWI, there are other factors that can influence the charges. For instance, there are more serious repercussions if a child is in the vehicle or if an accident occurs that results in an injury or death as a result of drunk driving.

Butler Law Firm DWI Attorney In Houston

Because every DWI is different, they all require a different approach when it comes to mounting a successful defense. In order to get a good outcome in your case, you need to evaluate your situation to come up with the best possible defense. That is why it is so important to hire a DWI attorney in Houston has to offer. Regardless of whether you were pulled over in a car, on a motorcycle, or in any other type of vehicle, it is essential to obtain excellent legal representation. That way, you can effectively defend yourself against the charges, helping to minimize the impact of the DWI on your life.

Contact a DWI attorney in Houston Texas lawyer for legal representation. Call us today. For related Articles check out the Butler Law Firm Blog.