The Potential Effects Of Getting A DUI In Texas Part II

10 Sure Things That Happen If You Get A Houston DUI Part II

6. Probation

Whether or not you face jail time when convicted of DUI, you will also probably need to complete a probation sentence. Your sentencing judge is responsible for setting the terms of your probation. Failing to comply with the terms will land you in jail.

There is an added financial burden involved in serving a DUI probation sentence. You will be billed (usually monthly) for the administrative and supervisory costs of probation.

7. Drunk Driving School

In most states, completing a drug and alcohol education program is a requirement for having your driver’s license reinstated. These programs go by many different names, but “drunk driving school” is the common universal term.

Completing such a class involves hours of education and, usually, a personalized assessment of your drinking habits. Here, too, there is additional expense: You will be obliged to pay a fee to attend the classes and complete the course.

8. Alcohol Evaluation / Treatment

Sometimes, evaluating your alcohol consumption is an entire step separate from attending drunk driving school. You may need to sit with a trained counselor and describe your alcohol consumption habits. Your evaluator will ask a series of questions to develop an accurate assessment of the impact alcohol has on your life.

If your counselor recommends it, the return of your driving privileges may be made conditional upon your completion of an alcohol treatment program. Such a treatment program will have to be approved by the court, and, of course, you will be responsible for paying for the program.

9. Higher Insurance Premiums

Most states require you to take out a new, specialized insurance policy before getting behind the wheel again after a DUI. Known as “SR-22 insurance,” this policy can be extremely expensive. It can easily double the total amount you’re paying for car insurance, and in some cases, your overall premium may end up three times as high as it was before.

Most states mandate SR-22 insurance for three years after a DUI conviction.

10. Ignition Interlock Installation

More and more states mandate the installation of an ignition interlock device on a driver’s vehicle after he or she is convicted of driving under the influence. An ignition interlock may be required even for a first-time DUI offender. The device controls the starting of the vehicle’s engine; unless the driver can pass a breath alcohol test, the engine will not start.

Drivers who have been ordered to use an ignition interlock device will have to pay for the device’s installation. They are also usually responsible for a monthly service fee to operate the device; the total cost of an ignition interlock can be surprisingly expensive.

Give Jim a call today and let him give you a free consultation so that you can get the help that you need. You can contact Jim for your free consultation! Click here for the first article in this series.