What To Do If You Are Arrested For DWI
Penalties for DWI are incredibly stiff in the state of Texas. Knowing what steps to take after your arrest can help minimize the severity of the penalties that you may face. Check out the following tips for what to do if you are arrested for DWI:
1. Make sure that your mailing address is correct.
Any notices or letters from the Department of Public Safety will be sent to the address that you have on your driver’s license. You will need to keep an eye out for letters so that you don’t miss any important notifications.
For instance, drivers who are arrested for DWI have an opportunity to request a hearing to challenge having their driver’s license suspended. If you miss a notification about setting up this hearing, you may miss your chance to dispute the suspension of your license. That is why it is so important to make sure that your address is correct and to frequently check your mail for new letters or notifications.
The best way to deal with a DWI arrest is to contact a lawyer right away. Your lawyer can help ensure that everything is handled in a timely manner and that you don’t miss any important deadlines.
2. Make sure that you are in compliance with all of the conditions of your bond.
If you fail to live up to the conditions of your bond, a warrant for your arrest may wind up being issued. This is another area where a qualified DUI lawyer in Houston can help. They can make sure that you are properly following the conditions of your bond so that you don’t wind up getting into any additional trouble.
3. Avoid consuming any alcohol while you are on bond.
Even if the conditions of your bond don’t require you to avoid alcohol, it is usually a good idea to do so anyway. Although it is unlikely, the last thing that you want is to get charged with an additional offense that is related to drinking while you have a DWI case that is still active.
Alcohol can be addictive. If you have a hard time avoiding drinking, you should mention it to your lawyer. They may be able to help you schedule a professional evaluation. From there, if necessary, they can also help you get any treatment that you may need.
If you are arrested for DWI, don’t just sit around and wait for your case to run its course. Instead, reach out to our DWI attorney right away. The more quickly you can get legal help, the less likely you are to inadvertently do anything that could make your situation worse.