Crucial Things To Do When Choosing A Houston DUI Attorney Pt 1

Helpful Tips For Selecting A DUI Lawyer In Houston

Part 1

Have you been booked with a DUI and you find yourself in need of hiring a professional attorney? If so, we will be able to give you all of the information you need to ensure you make it out as good as possible. However, before we do that, let’s discuss some more details about DUI’s in the first place.

When you get booked with a DUI, your driver’s license is taken. However, you will be supplied with a temporary license. When you receive this temporary license, you will have 10 days to contact your local DMV. If you fail to contact the DMV within this period, your license will be automatically suspended.

Upon contacting the DMV, you will have a hearing scheduled. The purpose of the hearing is to figure out whether or not you will be able to keep your license. This administrative procedure is something that can vary in total duration. You can expect it to last anywhere from as little as 10 minutes to a full 2 hours.

Typically, this hearing takes place in an office with the proceedings getting recorded on videotape. Because this hearing can be difficult to win, it’s always recommended to hire an attorney for professional representation.

1. Conduct Research About The Attorney

First and foremost, you should be looking to conduct your research. When you are tasked with choosing a lawyer for representation, you want to pick someone you have full confidence in. The only way you will be able to find someone that you have established confidence in would be by hiring someone you have done a lot of research on. You can do this by prepping an Excel spreadsheet and writing down all of the different lawyers that you can choose from. You can jot down the details about each one. That way, you will be able to do a thorough comparison of the different options from a single sheet.

2. Find One With Experience

Unfortunately, when you are booked with a DUI, you don’t have much time to act. The fact is, you need to do a lot of things within a short timeframe. Therefore, you will need to hire someone who has adequate experience handling DUI cases. Finding someone who has a lot of experience handling DUI cases will put you in the best position to succeed.

As soon as you can get in touch with an experienced lawyer, you will be able to have your case handled by a professional attorney. He or she will be able to schedule your hearing and do all of the administrative things that are required. A lot of people get anxious about the hearing process. While it can be anxiety-inducing, it could benefit you as the driver. The main reason the hearing can be beneficial is that your driver’s license will not be suspended when your hearing is in progress.

If you can contact someone who has adequate experience, they may be able to convince the DMV to avoid suspending your license during the hearing process.

Contact us or call us today to get the best DUI/DWI counsel in Houston. Click here for the second article in this series.