DUI Offense In Houston: How To Restore Your Driver’s License? Pt 1

DUI Helpful Ideas in Houston - Butler Law Firm - The Houston DWI Lawyer

Helpful Ideas About Driver’s License Restoration

Part 1

Many people rely on vehicles to get to work, run errands, and pick up their children from school. If you’re unfortunate to have your driver’s license revoked or suspended because of a drunk driving charge, contact a DUI lawyer to get the legal help you need to restore your driver’s license. Atty. Jim Butler can help you embark on the right path to regain your ability to legally drive even after being charged with a DUI offense.

How To Restore Your Driver’s License

For 2 drunk driving offenses within a period of 7 years, you must prove that you have not consumed any alcohol for at least 1 year. If you have 3 or more drunk driving charges in your lifetime, you’ll need to prove that you have been sober for at least 5 years and also prove that you can remain sober and avoid relapsing back into alcoholism.

How a DUI Attorney Helps

Atty. Jim Butler can help you prepare the evidence required to prove to a judge that you have recovered from your condition and will not relapse in the future. This evidence can consist of proof that you have attended AA meetings or undergone relevant counseling. A DUI lawyer can also help you gather testimonials from family members and friends that can help improve the chances of your driver’s license is restored.

We know that having a revoked or suspended license can make life stressful. If you’re ready to get on with your life as usual after being charged with a DUI offense, contact our law firm today. We can help you get your revoked or suspended driver’s license within no time.

Tips for Driver’s License Reinstatement after DUI

A single DUI charge is enough to get your driver’s license suspended. This is why it is important to seek legal assistance from a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. Attorney Jim Butler can help get your driver’s license reinstated so that you can continue driving to work, picking up your kids from school, and running errands without any worries.

We understand that you need your driver’s license in the course of your day-to-day life, and this is why we offer our legal expertise and experience to those who have DUI charges on their records. Keep reading to find out how a DUI lawyer can help you restore your driver’s license and get a clean slate.

Driver’s License Reinstatement

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

DUI or Driving Under the Influence refers to a person illegally driving a car while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. When you drive with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of over 0.08, you are at risk of being pulled over by the police and charged with a DUI offense. Drunk driving charges also include driving while under the influence of banned substances, as well as specific prescription drugs.

Visit our blog for more related articles. We also invite you to contact or call us today if you are in need of the best DWI Law Attorney in Houston. Click here for the second article in this series.