The Connection Between DUI & Accidents
Drunk drivers are more likely to stop suddenly in the middle of the road without regard for the traffic behind them. They also tend to have impaired vision and may not see pedestrians at all, especially if it is dark. As a result, pedestrians who are hit by drunk drivers have little chance of surviving. Even if they do survive the collision, they face the risk of serious injury or death.
Drunk Driving & Impairment
Drunk driving is a serious crime and one with severe consequences. Many accidents caused by impaired drivers have fatal consequences. Drivers under the influence of alcohol are more likely to make sudden and unexpected stops, and they may not see pedestrians or other vehicles on the road. They also have impaired vision, and a crash caused by a drunk driver can result in fatalities or catastrophic injuries.
In Texas, driving while intoxicated is a crime. A person is legally impaired if their blood alcohol content is 0.08% or higher. A breathalyzer or blood test can measure this level and give a driver a BAC. Alcohol interacts with other drugs, making it more dangerous to drive.
Types Of Drunk Driving Accidents
Alcohol consumption is a major cause of car accidents, with 40% of all car accidents being the result of drunk drivers. These accidents are extremely dangerous and can result in fatalities. Intoxicated drivers are often not as aware of their surroundings as sober drivers and can fail to see pedestrians or other drivers. They can also experience impaired reflexes, which can cause them to speed up or lose control of the steering wheel. Consequently, they may swerve into other lanes or hit oncoming traffic.
Accidents involving drunk drivers often cause severe injuries. Many victims suffer broken bones or fractured limbs. Depending on the severity of the injury, a victim may need surgery, long-term physical therapy, or pain management. Some victims are even forced to have a body part amputated. Internal organs, such as the kidneys, lungs, or spleen, are often damaged or destroyed. In severe cases, there can even be serious internal bleeding.
Pedestrians are particularly vulnerable to drunk drivers, especially on sidewalks or in crosswalks. The BTS estimates that close to 50% of pedestrian fatalities resulting from drunk driving accidents. Bicyclists and walkers are also at increased risk from drunk drivers. Nearly 35 percent of fatal bicycling accidents are caused by drunk drivers.
What Happens After A Drunk Driving Accident?
If you or a loved one is injured in a drunk driving accident, you need to understand what happens after the crash. The drunk driver may be arrested and charged with criminal negligence or vehicular manslaughter. These charges are very serious and can lead to jail time and expensive fines. The driver may also face additional charges if he or she was underage.
If possible, take photos of the scene of the accident. The photographs should include the location of the accident, the damages to the vehicle, and any injuries. They can also provide evidence that the driver was drunk. You may also have a witness who witnessed the driver driving in an unsafe manner or who witnessed the drunk driver acting aggressively. It’s also helpful if you can capture the scene on video or take pictures of the accident scene. The photos will help you establish the exact conditions of the accident and whether or not alcohol containers were open.
The victim of a drunk driving accident may be in serious need of medical care. If a victim has sustained injuries, the police should be contacted immediately to assess the damage to the victim. The accident could cause life-threatening injuries and permanent disabilities.
Contact A DUI Accident Attorney
The criminal consequences of drunk driving are severe. Not only will a drunk driver be subject to hefty fines and jail time, but he or she could also endanger the lives of other drivers. The resulting accidents often result in catastrophic injuries and sometimes even fatalities.
Fortunately, there is help. A DUI Accident Attorney will help victims to protect their rights and pursue compensation for their injuries. If the other driver is at fault, the victims can file a civil lawsuit against the drunk driver to collect compensation for their injuries. Although the criminal justice system isn’t a good place for accident victims, the personal injury law system can be helpful.
We invite you to contact us or call us today if you need the best DWI Law Attorney in Houston. Visit our blog for more related articles.