Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Wine In Houston
Wine has been a common drink in countless human cultures for millennia. Its health benefits are backed by tradition, anecdotes, and now, cutting-edge medical research. Most scientific study suggests that the greatest benefits are provided by a moderate intake, about a glass a day.
If you’re interested in more details about wine’s health benefits, simply read on.
Key health benefits from wine:
1. High Levels Of Antioxidants
Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit the damage caused to cells in the human body by oxidative stress and inflammation. Oxidative stress is primarily caused by harmful molecules called free radicals; antioxidants balance these out. Wine is among the most potent of the many foods and drinks that deliver antioxidants.
Wine’s main antioxidant ingredients are polyphenols. These are naturally-occurring antioxidants found in grapes. They survive that wine-making process and deliver their benefits to the moderate drinker. Red wine grapes provide more polyphenols than white grapes, so red wine may have a stronger antioxidant effect than white wine.
According to a 2-week study conducted with 40 test subjects, a daily intake of 400 ml (13.5 oz) of red wine produced measurably higher blood antioxidant levels. Keeping these levels high is associated with reduced risk for several diseases, including degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
2. Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effects
A study on red wine’s anti-inflammatory effect showed modest but promising results. The study used 87 test subjects with an average age of 50 and compared inflammatory markers between individuals who drank no alcohol and those who drank 150ml (5 oz) of red wine a day. There were slight marker reductions in the wine drinkers. Wine’s anti-inflammatory benefits need additional research to be fully understood.
3. Potential Heart Health Benefits
Heart disease rates in moderate wine drinkers are, according to research, lower than the rates of those that do not drink. Scientists theorize that the polyphenol antioxidants in wine (particularly red wine) can reduce your risk of high cholesterol, metabolic diseases, and high blood pressure. This last benefit, in particular, is useful for individuals with an elevated risk of heart disease.
Added Health Benefits, In Brief:
- Moderate wine consumption may benefit your mental health. When drunk in moderation, wine may reduce the risk of depression. Note that excessive drinking has the opposite effect — limiting your daily intake is extremely important.
- Drinking wine may promote longevity. When combined with a healthy diet, drinking wine at a moderate daily rate may increase your overall lifespan.
- Drinking wine may improve the health of your gut bacteria. Studies suggest that red wine, drunk in moderation, stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. This may, in turn, lead to a healthier metabolism, particularly in overweight individuals.
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