The Severity Of A DWI Arrest

Arrested For Drinking And Driving In Houston - Butler Law Firm

5 Serious Consequences Of A DWI Arrest

There are several consequences of being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. These can include fines and fees, suspension or loss of license, and drug or alcohol treatment. Not to mention the fact that a DWI conviction will cloud your record for the rest of your life.

1. Suspension Or Loss Of License

A driver’s license can be suspended or revoked after a DWI arrest. The suspension can be up to six months. This can be extended up to a year if there are prior convictions within five years, or if you have been arrested on felony charges in the same incident. In addition, if you refuse to take a chemical test, your license can be suspended for up to one year.

If you are facing a license suspension, you should immediately seek legal help. A DUI attorney will review your arrest record and other critical pieces of evidence to determine if you can maintain your license. Once the court rules in your favor, the DMV will reinstate your license. In the meantime, you’ll have to travel only to work and complete a DUI program.

If you’re arrested and convicted of a DWI, you may be eligible for a hardship or professional use license. These types of licenses allow you to drive for a limited number of purposes, such as getting to work, picking up your children from daycare, or going to the doctor.

Depending on the nature of your case, you can opt for an administrative per se hearing. If you are found guilty of a DWI, you can choose to request a hearing before the DMV revokes your license. You can request a hearing at the DMV Driver Safety Branch or through an online request. Whether you choose to pursue this option or not is entirely up to you, but an experienced DUI attorney can review your case information and make an informed decision.

2. Drug Or Alcohol Treatment

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence, it’s important to get professional help for your substance abuse issues. Although you may not be required to go to inpatient rehab, you should still seek treatment from a professional. Inpatient treatment involves a number of rules and requirements, and you should always follow them. In addition, you should hire an attorney who has experience fighting DWI cases. A skilled attorney can help you get the best possible outcome in your case.

Although criminal penalties can sometimes result in jail time and fines, these measures only address the immediate problem at hand. In order to prevent a DUI from happening again, you need holistic treatment. Unlike criminal penalties, treatment should not be seen as punishment, but rather as a way to address underlying issues and mental health conditions. A treatment program will not only help you get back on the road and prevent another DUI, but it will also make your community safer.

A typical drug treatment program involves several types of interventions, including education about the effects of alcohol on the body. The standard treatment program will include cognitive-behavioral techniques, motivational strategies, homework assignments, and specially adapted counseling strategies. It has proven to be effective in reducing alcohol-related driving incidents. It’s also cost-effective and can be offered in a broad context.

3. Increased Insurance Costs

A DUI arrest can increase your auto insurance rates considerably. Depending on the type of policy you have, your monthly payment could be raised by as much as $138 per month. The cost of auto insurance after a DUI arrest is largely dependent on the type of coverage you have and your driving history. A full coverage policy includes liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance.

The level of the conviction will also affect the auto insurance rates. A felony drunk driving conviction is considered a more serious offense, so insurers will charge you more money. Nevertheless, some insurance companies will not drop your coverage if you are convicted of a lesser charge.

In addition to increased insurance costs, the loss of your driver’s license may cost as much as $1300. In some states, you may be required to pay up to $1600 to install an ignition interlock in your car. After a conviction, you’ll have a criminal record and may face an increased premium for at least five years.

If you’ve been arrested for a DWI, you may have to file an SR-22 with your car insurance company. This certificate, which is mandated by the State, is a requirement of your insurance. Although SR-22 insurance doesn’t require a license, it is a form of insurance that the car insurance company must file with the DMV.

4. Ignition Interlock Device

If you have been arrested for DWI, you will most likely be ordered to install an ignition interlock device in your car. You will be required to use this device for at least 6 months. Typically, this device will be required for first-time offenders. Second-time offenders will have to wait a year before they can apply for an exemption.

A DWI arrest will also impose a restriction on your driving privileges. You may have to install an ignition interlock device on your car or get an ignition interlock device on all of your vehicles. This is a mandatory requirement if your BAC was 0.16 or higher. If you were convicted of a DWI offense for a second time, you will need to install an ignition interlock device on all of your cars for at least one year.

If you are required to install an ignition interlock device in your car, you may have to pay hundreds of dollars. You should contact a local attorney who is familiar with the local court system and prosecution attorneys. A good lawyer knows the local prosecutors and has a proven track record of success in negotiating with them.

If you are convicted of a DWI offense, your license will be suspended and you will need to install an ignition interlock device in your car. The ignition interlock device is required for at least one year after your first conviction, and for as long as six months after your second. You can have your license reinstated, but the device will restrict you from driving.

5. Jail Time

A person accused of a DWI may face a jail sentence for the first offense and up to 90 days for a second offense. For a third offense, the minimum jail sentence can be increased to one year. However, there are some ways to minimize jail time after a DWI arrest. One way is to complete a DUI education program instead of jail. These programs can be outpatient, inpatient, or require the defendant to live in a sober living home. In most cases, if the individual successfully completes rehab, their charges can be reduced to lesser punishments.

In addition to jail time, a person facing a DWI charge in New York may also face fines and license suspension. A skilled criminal defense attorney can help clients understand the charges and penalties they face. Some people are sentenced to house arrest, which restricts them from their homes. However, they may be able to work and travel during the time that they are under house arrest. Other penalties may include substance abuse rehabilitation programs or community service projects.

A person accused of a DWI arrest will typically be arrested after a police officer has reason to believe that the individual is under the influence of alcohol. An arrest is typically accompanied by a thorough background check and fingerprints. A DUI arrest can result in a jail sentence depending on the details of the police investigation.

You’ve been arrested for a DWI? Contact us or call us if you need the best DWI Law Attorney. Visit our blog for more related articles.