The Advantages Of Hiring A DUI/DWI Attorney In Houston Pt 2

Knowing Why A Houston DUI/DWI Lawyer Can Really Defend You

Part 2

(Continuation) If you are considering hiring a lawyer, who does not have any experience in negotiating with the persecutor or handling DUI matters or is not familiar with local practices, the lawyer might not be the right lawyer to get advice on how to handle your case. You might want to consult with a different lawyer. You should look at what is at stake. You need to hire a good lawyer as soon as possible if the consequences are severe. It is in your best interest to call a DUI lawyer because almost all DUI lawyers offer free consultations.

DUI Attorneys & Inside Information

The right drunk driving lawyer knows the people involved in the prosecution of DUI cases such as local officers, prosecutors, and judges. Therefore, your lawyer will tell you whether these people have been subject to disciplinary actions in the past.

Your lawyer can get your DUI case reduced or dismissed if the officer is known to be bad. The lawyer may also have a working relationship with the prosecutor handling the DUI cases. Some prosecutors can allow pleas to alternate charges, like “obstruction of a roadway,” in exchange for stiffer counseling or a higher fine, but this depends on the facts of your case and local practices. However, you will get to keep your driver’s license. Therefore, your DUI lawyer will protect your driver’s license and criminal history by asking for alternate plea options. Your DUI lawyer understands the arguments that carry more weight and appeals to the prosecutor. However, you can lose if you are representing yourself because you do not know these arguments.

The Importance Of DUI Lawyer In DUI Cases

Would you choose a dentist to give you open-heart surgery? You should consider this before choosing a DUI lawyer to represent you because the same theory applies when choosing a good drunk driving lawyer. The best DUI attorneys know the trends in DUI law and the overlap of scientific principles that law enforcement uses. Hiring an inexperienced and unqualified DUI lawyer can compromise your DUI case and your future life because the lawyer will not understand your DUI case.

We can help reduce some of your stress if you feel stressed not knowing what is going to happen now, especially if you just got a DWI.

Why Select Jim Butler?

Jim Butler is a licensed lawyer with over 24 years of experience. Jim Butler prevents his clients from losing their jobs and stops them and their families from suffering both mentally and financially by helping them get out of jail time. There is currently 100% DWI (driving while intoxicated) in the case of Jim Butler. Jim devotes all of this to DWI cases. The main reason Jim became a DUI attorney is he believes that several innocent people are “needlessly arrested.” However, he does not endorse drunk drinking.

Contact us or call us today to get the best DUI/DWI counsel in Houston. Click here for the first article in this series.