Why You Should Always Avoid DWI In Houston Pt 1

DUI Lawyer Role in Houston

4 Reasons Not To Drink & Drive

Part 1

When you drink and drive, you put every aspect of your life at risk, from your personal relationships to your job to your freedom. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) can have legal, financial, and even health consequences. These are just a few of the many reasons you should always avoid driving while drunk.

1. It’s A Crime

There are serious legal consequences to DWI charges, including:

  • Imprisonment: A DWI is a misdemeanor, which means offenders in most states could face between six months and one year of jail time. In some states, there is a minimum sentence for first-time offenders. If a DWI leads to an accident, or if blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels are high, the offender could spend more time in jail.
  • Fines: Convicted DWI offenders face fines between $500 and $2,000. Many states have additional factors that can increase these fines.
  • Loss of License: DWI offenders could have their license suspended or revoked. Suspensions can last anywhere from 6 months to three years. If a license is revoked, it is canceled, and it cannot be restored. This typically happens after repeated driving offenses, such as DWIs.
  • Additional Consequences: Offenders may also be sentenced to community service, substance abuse rehabilitation, or seminars. It’s common for first offenders to be given alternative sentencing. A judge may also choose to combine these forms of punishment with other consequences.

If you’ve been charged with a DWI, you need the help of an experienced attorney that has represented clients in your state before. DWI could greatly affect your life, the life of your family, and that of work. Additional costs might include public transportation for going to work, going out for errands, shopping, and other family activities. The suspension of your license will begin 40 days after the charge was made if you do nothing. Mr. Butler’s Houston-based firm has 24 years of legal experience and can help get you the best possible outcome for your circumstances.

Butler Law will ensure that procedures were followed to the strictest letter of the law and any evidence collected was processed as required by law. Butler’s Houston-based law firm will fully review the case with the District Attorney’s office to see what options are available in the case.

2. Safety First

Even one drink can impact your response time and perception when you’re driving. By avoiding alcohol or by using a designated driver, you’ll be able to keep everyone in your vehicle safe. It’s also important to think about the example you’re setting for your passengers, especially if your children are in your vehicle.

If you’ve been drinking, and you don’t have a ride home, you should call for a cab or use a ride-sharing service. Alternatively, you can stay in a hotel or even park your vehicle in a safe place while you sober up. Never put yourself and others at risk by driving under the influence.

If you have been arrested for drunk driving, you need to find a lawyer. Call or contact us today. Click here for the second issue of this article.