How To Prevent Having A Houston DUI Charge

Effective Strategies For Reducing Or Stopping Drunk Driving In Houston

The techniques that follow are designed to reduce or even eliminate incidents of drunk driving. While different methods may call for different types of local resources, they are likely to have at least some degree of impact in the community. Read further to find ideas that might just fit the needs of your specific jurisdiction.

DUI Laws

Laws in this category forbid the operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol reading at or over a defined level. Those under 21 tend to be covered by so-called zero-tolerance laws that make it illegal to drive with any alcohol content in the bloodstream. This type of restriction, together with laws setting 21 as the legal drinking age, have been implemented in every U.S. state as well as in Texas.

Traffic Checkpoints

Sobriety checkpoints that have been publicized in advance let law enforcement officers make traffic stops at defined, visible spots in order to assess drivers for possible impairment. Police could decide to stop every driver or just some who pass through the area. These need to be advertised ahead of time and run on a regular basis in order to make a substantial impact.

Saturation Patrol Strategies

These types of patrols are made of a sizable number of officers who surveil a given area, typically when and where drunk driving is known to happen with greater frequency. As is the case with sobriety checkpoints, these kinds of patrols ought to receive a high degree of publicity and be performed on a regular basis.

Interlock Ignition Devices

Having ignition interlocks installed on the vehicles of all DUI offenders is a great way to measure an individual’s blood alcohol content every time they attempt to drive. These devices prevent their cars from starting if they have had too much to drink. Interlocks work well in stopping repeat offenders from getting into further trouble. Using these together with required addiction treatment programs can be an effective way to change an individual’s habitual behavior and get promising outcomes.

Alcohol Treatment & Addiction Treatment

Programs of this nature are often utilized for those charged and convicted of driving while impaired. Treatment seems to work best when blended with other kinds of penalties and when offenders receive careful monitoring. Specialized DUI courts area ideal for implementing these types of requirements and effecting real change in the lives of DUI offenders.

Multi-Faceted Plans

These are scenarios in which a series of programs or initiatives are blended to address the problem of impaired operation of vehicles. Community buy-in and involvement will be key to their success, and this could include the addition of task forces or committees that can provide critical input and assistance.

Early Education Programs

Another great way to reduce the problem of impaired driving in any community is to begin education on the issue early by implementing school-based awareness programs.

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