Proficient Law Firm, Legal Advisor, DWI Defense Attorney & DUI Lawyer In San Leon, TX

The Butler Law Firm: Experts In Defending DWI Charges

In a world where we sometimes operate under the influence of alcohol or drugs such as prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs, DWI charges are inevitable. These rampant charges create a need for a law firm that fully dedicates its time and resources to handle DWI charges.

DWI is the acronym for driving while intoxicated. The DWI charge is a criminal offense where charges are levied against a person who operates a motorized vehicle while drunk. We can determine legal intoxication by conduction various sobriety tests such as performing a breathalyzer, blood test, or urine test.

A DWI charge can be quite stressful. On account of it being a criminal offense, you will need an excellent attorney to represent you in court since the law is a matter of technical issues. Your choice of an attorney should be not only knowledgable on the area of DWI charges but also be accessible and gracious. The attorney should be able to make the best of any lee-way available to ensure that litigation is in your favor.

Jim Butler is a licensed attorney who owns the Houston based Butler Law Firm. Even though Mr. Butler disapproves of drunk driving, he draws inspiration for specializing in DWI charges from the fact that he believes that many innocent people are needlessly arrested. He makes a difference by alleviating the dire consequences that could have been experienced by clients if proven guilty. 

Consequences arising from DWI charges can include incarceration, confiscation of your driver’s license, and severe financial implications. Since it is a criminal offense, a DWI charge can also lead to the loss of a job. The violation also reduces your chances of getting a job on account of your criminal record. You may also need to pay significantly higher premiums for car insurance when convicted. Worse, your insurance service provider may drop you, forcing you to seek out another insurance company that will cover you. The stress associated with DWI charges may eventually lead to family fall-out.

When DWI charges are imposed against you, you need to engage an attorney who has a track record of success when litigating similar cases. Over 24 years, Mr. Butler has acquired extensive knowledge and experience, which would come in handy in ensuring that you get a positive outcome, saving you from the adverse effects of being convicted. Also, since he practices in Houston, he is well conversant with the legal technicalities surrounding DWI charges in Houston, increasing the chances of winning since regulations around DWI charges vary from one region to another. 

Mr. Butler is also very accessible, an attribute that comes in handy, given the time-sensitive nature of a DUI ( driving under influence) charge. He will attend to your case before the 40 days within which suspension of your driver’s license takes effect, lapse.

Do not delay any longer. You can reach Jim Butler on (713) 236-8744. Talk to him today and schedule a free consultation session.

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